Saturday, May 19, 2007

JB weld and Center vents

On and off this week I have been working on the skins. Yesterday and today I spent some time JB welding the panels together. This picture is the doors on the back.

This pic is a few of the doors on the front.

I also got out Tom's center vent kit and put that together. Spent a bunch of time sanding the surrounds, and filling the inserts to get everything to fit together. This pic shows it just set in place in the skins.

I also pulled out my bag full of robart hinges, and figured out how they work. On the body, I plan to have at least 5 or 6 doors that open.

Been having some back problems, so that is delaying me from taking the legs and feet off again. I will need to do that to properly mount the skins, and allow me to start working on the legs.

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