Saturday, May 12, 2007

Dome drive, LDP, front skins

I know this is not how the dome drive is supposed to be mounted. I played around with a few other ways to get this on, and this was a short cut that I came up with.
I turned the motor around, cut this piece of plywood and 20 minutes later it was done.

The spring is just attached to the top ring of the A&A frame. There is a bit of sag here, which will be more visible in shots lower in this post. I plan to beef up this entire area anyway because of the ALU arms and LDP.

I got the LDP installed. Just pushed a few holes through the top of the arm carriage and this was done.

I just used 3 screws. This made it easier to center and will leave me room on the sides to handle the arms.

I also spent a few more minutes cutting out some of the front skin doors. Will probably spend a fair amount of time on these tomorrow, filling & sanding.

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