Well, its been a while now since I posted. After the trip to Ireland, holiday season demanded a large amount of my time. The room I was working in to build R2, was converted into a play room for my daughter, so I don't really have anywhere to work at the moment.
In December I started working on my basement workshop. I have not made too much progress there, but its coming along. I will probably start working on this again when my new ALU frame arrives.
In February I took R2(still R3 head) to 2 different parties. Issues with front foot caster continue to limited mobility, but he was still a great success.
Parts that arrived over the past 5 months includes:
front and rear logic bezels
ALU coin slots
ALU knurled fittings
Leon's rear logic board
108 multi color 3mm leds
Parts expected to arrive soon:
ALU frame
ALU rear logic surround
slip ring
JAG motor mounts
Parts still needed:
ALU periscope and fittings
ALU battery harnesses
NPC2122 motors
24ah Batteries
other electronics
Parts wanted, but not needed:
Jedi Control system
Dan's power distribution board